Thursday, January 14, 2010

Szivaroztam (I Had A Cigar)

Listen to song
(from here, if it doesn't start quick enough)
Traditional Hungarian folk song from Kalotaszeg, a region with a Hungarian majority population in Transylvania, famous for its very rich folklore.
From the album This Way, Sweetheart!
Photo: lad's vest, shirt and hat Photo source
Song page on website

If you want to know more about Kalotaszeg, there is a good presentation on the website of Hungarian Museum of Ethnography: The Discovery of Kalotaszeg and the Beginnings of Hungarian Ethnography

Old house in Sztána (Stana) village in Kalotaszeg, photo from Panoramio (see also map)

Szöveg / Lyrics

Szivaroztam, megégettem a számat,
Odahaza más öleli a babámat,
Más öleli, másnak ül az ölébe,
Más leánynak kacsingat a szemébe.

Életembe' csak egyszer voltam boldog,
Akkor is a két szememből könny hullott,
Sírtam is én örömömbe', hogy szeret,
Bánatimba', hogy az enyém nem lehet.

I was having a cigar and burned my lips,
At home, another one is hugging my babe,
Another one is hugging him, he sits in another one's lap,
He is winking at another girl's eyes.

In my life, I have been happy only once,
Even then, tear was dripping from my two eyes,
I was crying with joy that he loved me,
And with sorrow that he couldn't be mine.

Download song from:
BandCamp SoundClick

More songs from the album This Way, Sweetheart
Salley Gardens
Piros alma (Red Apple)
Széna, széna (Hay, Hay)
Madárka, madárka (Birdie, Birdie)
Erre gyere, rózsám (This Way, Sweetheart)
Jaj, de sokat áztam-fáztam (Yay, I've Been Freezing)
A pünkösdi rózsa (The Peony)
Beli Buba, Beli

This song is part of Andrea's birthday wish


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